Wednesday, 02 October 2024


NanoInnovation 2016 - The Story

(the file video is available under the download menu)


Special Thanks

Special thanks for your interest in NanoInnovation

edition 2016

The organizers, AIRI and NanoItaly Association, want to express their warm thanks to all the participants to NanoInnovation 2016 and to all that demonstrated interest for the event!

First of all, we want to thank the 1034 participants to the event, who, by accepting the invitation to join us, made the 2016 edition of NanoInnovation, Exhibition and Conference, a successful event.

Particular thanks are due to the 20 co-organizers, the over 257 speakers who shared their knowledge and expertise, filling of interesting contents the scientific sessions, and the over 48 chairs, who managed at the best the dense programme of NanoInnovation, comprising 4 tutorial lectures, 1 welcome session, 2 plenary sessions, 12 keynote lectures, 48 parallel symposia, 9 workshops, 2 poster sessions with more than 42 posters, 1 art nano show and 2 prizes for young researchers.

Our deepest appreciation to the kind hospitality by the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering of “Sapienza” University of Rome, to the 27 exhibitors, the 12 industrial sponsors and the 3 scientific patronages, allowing us to make NanoInnovation a free participation event open to all people interested in nano-bio-technologies.  

We are deeply indebted with APRE, which organized a B2B networking session with more than 68 attending participants and 135 meetings organized, and with the Italian Trade Agency, that supported the invitation of a delegation comprising 10 experts coming from Japan, Taiwan and South Korea.

Due to the active participation of attendees and to the great deal of dedication by speakers, exhibitors, supporters and organizers, NanoInnovation 2016 has been successful in bringing together entrepreneurs, academics, researchers, managers, students and investors. We hope that the overview of the nanotech world offered by this platform could encourage the dialogue among the different areas helping to build an integrated community, active in the field of micro and nanotechnologies.

We hope that your participation has been fruitful and we wait to receive feedbacks about this event, in order to ensure that the next NanoInnovation Conference, scheduled to take place next September 2017, would suit at the best your expectations.

See you next year!!!


The Organizing Committee
Marco Rossi, chair - Sapienza University of Rome
Giuseppe Gigli - University of Salento & CNR-NANOTEC
Elvio Mantovani – Italian Association for Industrial Research (AIRI)
Fabrizio Pirri - Polytechnic University of Turin & IIT
Andrea Porcari  – Italian Association for Industrial Research (AIRI)
Pasquale Sanfilippo - STMicroelectronics






call for young researchers











Technical Support


Organizing Secretariat

Dr. Cristina Gippa

+ 39 339 771 4107
+ 39 388 1785318
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Dr. Federica Lodato

+ 39 335 7253927
+ 39   06 8848831
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